
When Sephiroth told him that he had four parents – two
fathers and two mothers; all biologically assisting in his creation somehow – Cloud
didn’t really make a big deal out of it. It was their life and choice and
certainly none of his business. Besides, they seemed to care a great deal about
their son, given the amount of cards and gifts they sent to him regularly.

Admittedly, Cloud was nervous. He had four people to get at
least amicable with during this visit. All his nerves were forgotten, however,
when he met them face to face.

“Why is one of your fathers wearing a lab-coat to dinner?”
Cloud whispered to Sephiroth.

“He thinks it’s fashionable,” Sephiroth whispered back.

Cloud could roll with that, but… “Why does the other look as young as you then?”

“He’s a vampire.”

What?” He couldn’t have heard Sephiroth right… right?

“It’s a long story, but something went wrong and my
mother – Lucrecia, the one that isn’t in the container – knows more than me
about the subject. You should ask her sometime.”

“Okay… why is your other mother in a container?”

“Jenova? She’s an alien. Our air doesn’t agree much with

“… and do you know why
she’s an alien?”

“I never asked; it’s rather rude. I won’t
discriminate against my mother’s heritage even if it came from outer space,

Cloud was about to retort, but Sephiroth raised a hand to
pointedly show the silver band on his finger. “You put a ring on this,” he reminded breezily. And this included supernatural in-laws, apparently.

That was the end of it. It’d take some time, but Cloud
thought he could used to it as they all waited for Jenova to get the dessert.

It turned out, Jenova could make an excellent cheesecake.

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