
I love Final Fantasy and is right in the face that. Hahahahaha.
When I saw that the square of the staff will make the Remake I almost had a heart attack!
I love very much this game and always say: It was because of him that I dedicated to the drawings.
I hope one day I can tell the Lord Nomura: Thank you very much!


so i’m reading about beta!ffvii because it’s interesting. beta!vincent comes up and…

A number of coffins are lined up in the underground dungeon. Most are just corpses (the corpses have items and so on), but when you check one of them, the coffin lid rattles loose, and a figure slowly rises up.

Tifa: “Ahh!!”

Cloud: “……!”

What appeared from the coffin was a beautiful young man.

Man: “Uh… nh….. am I… awake…… I’m… awake again…..”

Barret: “What the hell you doin’ in here? You some kind of zombie?”

Man: “Mm…..?

The young man notices the party. He gets out of the coffin, but ignores Barret and heads for Tifa and Aerith.

Man: “Allow me to apologize. I had not expected to find two beautiful woman such as yourselves in a place like this… I never meant to startle a lady. Please, forgive me……”

Tifa: “L-lady? Hold on, now …”

Man: “My name is Vincent. Vincent Valentine. What a pleasure it is to meet such a beautiful woman so soon after awaking from my long sleep…”

Barret: “Hey, just a minute! Answer my question! What were you doin’ here?”

Vincent: “…… Quite the boorish one, aren’t we? Is that how you ask someone a question…..? I was sleeping, surely that was obvious enough.”

Barret: “Grr…… then, that weird voice was you!? How long you been sleeping here?”

Vincent: “How long? I’ve only just woken up this minute and still don’t know what the time nor date is now, you don’t really expect me to know how long it’s been, do you? On top of your lack of manners, it would seem you’re not the brightest of men, either.”

Barret: “You little….! I’m gonna….!”

Tifa: “Wait, Barret. He might be a little wier… peculiar, but he doesn’t seem like a bad person. …… Right, Aerith?”

Aerith: “Yeah… I guess.”

Barret: “Tsk. what is it with woman and judging by looks.”

Vincent: “Someone once said the face is a mirror of the heart…”

Barret: “Aaarrgggh! I can’t stand it anymore! I’m gonna fill you so full of lead!”

Vincent: “I don’t like uncivilized quarrels.”




so i just bought the damn villa and I NEED AN AVALANCHE HOUSE PARTY FIC, whether during- or post-game.  like, what do these assholes even do with their own sexy fuck-off villa?

  • cloud, nanaki, and vincent ending up having late night meetings at the kitchen table in the dark, drinking tea and sharing an existential silence
  • yuffie secretly loosening flagstones and tiles to hide the money she’s always stealing out of the others’ wallets (“WHERE IS MY MOTHER’S GOOD SILVERWARE” “haha it’s definitely not under the bathroom sink IT’S AN EMERGENCY FUND, GUYS”)
  • one day nanaki brings home a telescope and sets it up on the roof without so much as a by-your-leave (but no one minds)
  • how long can cloud get out of chores by saying “i’m the one who bought the fucking place”?
  • how long can nanaki get out of chores by saying “i don’t have opposable thumbs, so sad, i’ll be on the roof if you need me“?
  • everyone’s always nagging tifa and nanaki to clean their hair/fur out of the bathtub
  • barret and vincent turn the basement into a firearm repository and no one dares to ask any questions
  • some of cid’s engine parts still make it in there anyway
  • (they settle their territorial disputes with snark and alcohol)
  • who gets stuck sleeping on the couch because they make creepy noises in their sleep?
  • who always leaves the lights on? and who is always turning them off even if someone’s still in the room?
  • who argues that the salad dressing two years out of date isn’t that bad, “look, you can hardly see the mold on top”?
  • who leaves passive-aggressive notes everywhere?
  • (”the next time someone eats my sandwich i’m putting a boot up your ass I KNOW IT’S YOU VINCENT YOU BAG OF DICKS”)
  • who never replaces the toilet paper roll so when the next person uses the bathroom they’re like goddAMNIT



So, my sis has been playing FF7 for the first time. I’ve been… helping her (telling her exactly what to do and supervising everything. Gamers these days, so impatient.) It’s interesting looking back on what was totally one of my favourite games from my childhood. There’s definitely flaws but it’s nostalgic as hell.So I been doin’ some sketches in pen while she plays.

What’s interesting though is how much my tastes have changed. I didn’t think much of Cid before, but now he’s totes my favourite character. Cid (or ‘Peggy’ as we called him. We give weird names) is awesome, getting stuff done, going about just doing his thing and really not caring if he’s fitting in with the mood of the game or not. Loved the part where he was the lead character, and when it came to Lucas+, uh, I mean Cloud coming back, we didn’t really want him…

I’m gunna make a male hardass character called Peggy.